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The Immigrant Investor Scheme for Real Estate

The Immigrant Investor Scheme for Real Estate grants F-2 (Resident) status to foreign investors, corporate executives, shareholders, and the accompanying family members

(“Foreign Investors”).


Foreign Investors shall make a minimum required investment or above in the real estate investment products designated by the Minister of Justice.


​​​It further grants F-5 (Permanent Resident) status according to certain standards

when the investments are maintained for the next five (5) years or more.

How to get F2  or F5 Visas

Investment Procedure for Immigration
Updated Investment Immigration (Location and Period)

The following video explains in detail how to get F-2/F-5 Status Visa

through the Immigrant Investor Scheme for Real Estate

including the best place to invest (INCHEON) in Korea. 

arirang company name

Address    | Magok-dong 800-15, Gangseo-gu,

                  (#313, Inamass Magok II)

                  Seoul, Korea (대한민국)

Tel No      | 001 + 82 + 10 + 3386 1901
Fax No   
  | 001 + 82 +  2  + 2661 9903

Regist. No | 538-41-00721

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